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June 17, 2021

How to Celebrate the First Day of Summer

Summer is just days away! If you’re a fan of hot weather, abundant sunshine, and long, lazy days, then you know that the season’s arrival is cause for celebration!

That doesn’t mean, however, that you need to spend an arm and a leg making the most out of the summer season. In fact, many summer-y things to do can be enjoyed at little or no cost. For example, have you ever embarked on a self-guided walking or bicycling tour of Reston? When was the last time you unpacked a picnic at the park? Are you up for giving an aging piece of furniture a makeover with a coat of chalk paint? These are just a few ways you can usher in the summer season on a budget—and stay busy all season long!

40 Free & Fun Things to Do This Summer [Apartment Therapy]